Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Where's Waldo?

Where's Waldo?, originally uploaded by Hack Rambler.

Can you spot me in this picture? This was taken in Hanzhou, China (late November 2004) during morning exercises, after which we took a long walk and were occasionally followed by TV cameras. I don't think I saw any other westerners the entire time. At one point a complete stranger stopped me to ask to have his picture taken with me. I of course happily obliged, and suggested we do a little dance, a la The Rockettes. I had to teach him, but in the end he got a lovely photo, I am sure.

Many of these people had never seen a white person up close before, and certainly not an American. I am looking forward to seeing other areas of mainland China as each region is quite distinct from the next.

And if there is any kind of rule about the content of my posts being in some sort of chronological order, I intend to break it a lot. Too many stories and photos from before I started this whole thing. Besides, they come in handy when I can't think of anything else to talk about.


Anonymous said...

Why the orange caps?

~ KI

Will said...

Kwin obviously didn't read the previous post about the trip to China. Aren't you supposed to have, like, research skills, or something?

Also, I'm going to break your chronological order, Hack!

Anonymous said...

Waldo never looked as good as you in an orange cap!

And there... comment posted!

For verily I say unto you, your blogging is good.

Hack said...

The orange caps are so we won't get separated from the group, Kwinkie. The tour guide was adamant that I should wear it, despite the fact that I already stood out more than sufficiently. Why? Because everyone else in the group was wearing them. Conformity and the fellowship of shared suffering--what powerful forces they are.

BillG said...

I love how you still had to NOT conform by wearing the cap backwards. Subversively done, Hack.

Hack said...

Very observant, G-man. You may also notice that at the point this picture was taken, I had already won one convert to the way of the backwards cap. That person also happens to be my best friend in Japan. Quite a duo, actually.

Anonymous said...

A late post but upon closer inspection of the photo I realized that you are wearing the blue northface fleece that I have on today. perhaps this is a somewhat attenuated connection, but I cherish it none the less.