Friday, March 04, 2005

Going Postal

Nice to be occasionally and forcefully reminded that, despite three and a half years in Asia, including two and a half in Japan, I am still culturally inept.

I just spent an hour going through the process of sending money to the United States. I have yet to complete my mission, but I did get the money order and an explanation from two post offices that envelopes must first be obtained at a convenience or stationery store if I am to send anything. Something to the tune of, "Of course we don't have any envelopes. This is the POST OFFICE." Silly me--what on earth was I thinking? Reminds me of how, when in Rome, bus and train tickets were usually not sold at the stations, but at tobacco shops. Right, I should have known that. I can only hope that someday I will learn to stop making such ridiculous assumptions.


Will said...

For sending money they don't give you the special insured post-office only envelope? That's what they gave me.

Anonymous said...

One day I went to the post office to send a letter and said "One envelop please~♪". Of course they did't have except special one for sending cash. I didn't know such a fact of the post office until 30yrs old in spite of Japanese.

Anonymous said...

Hey, why don't you just sent it back via Barclays? It's cheap and easy and doesn't take long to set up. I highly recommend it.