Saturday, June 26, 2010

Lizard Tales

In Taiwan on vacation....

A lizard who apparently lives in the car traveled the length of the island, and back, with us. It was a three-day trip. Said lizard, "Liz" for short, crawled up and rode on the hood for the last few kilometers, as if her lizard senses had somehow indicated that she was nearing her usual environment. That was weird. She even jumped around a bit, like she was glad to be back. Forgive me if I overindulge in anthropomorphizing. I think maybe swimming with the fish may have something to do with it. I am a fan of snorkeling now. But I digress. Welcome home, Liz.

Oh, and Liz? I wonder if it was a relative of yours who was trying to share my bed the other night. If so, tell him I'm sorry if it was my fault his tail fell off. I think we caught each other a bit off guard.