Friday, February 18, 2005

That Not So Fresh Feeling

Why is it, I wonder, now that I live in a place where I can't fit into my bathtub, that I often feel so compelled to bathe? When I had a big bathtub I always showered. This perplexes me. Also, how do baths and showers stack up from an environmental standpoint? And is it feminine to take a bubble bath? And more so if the name of the bubble bath liquid is "Pear Berry"? It's just that it smells so fruity fresh... I can't help myself. I am drawing a bath and the bath is drawing me. It's reciprocity. I must go lest it overflow.

P.S. My kitchen still bears the faint odor of Mexican food. I kinda like it that way.


Will said...

Using Pear Berry bubble bath isn't so much feminie as it is something that utterly strips you of your manhood. Now, if it were Mr. Bubble, that would be another story entirely.

Will said...

feminine, even.

Hack said...

Is there a way to regain my manhood once stripping has taken place? Tonight I opted for "Luscious Lily". I think I prefer it to "Pear Berry". More... floral.

Heather said...

it's all good. i would much rather bathe than shower. but it could be because i have a wicked clawfoot tub.

guys who bathe are still means that they know the pleasure of relaxing in a tub.

mr bubble is BAD. it gives me a rash. anything herbal or good smelling is good. epsom salts rock though.

Will said...

Tony, you're so much man you don't need to worry about getting anything back.

As for your comment about baths, Ms. Heydere, while they are nice (particularly in the winter), one does little relaxing in them in Japan when you're our size. "Whale in a leotard" comes to my mind when I think about trying to sit down in mine.