Tuesday, November 14, 2006

My Neighborhood

This picture was taken from the train station nearest my apartment. Not a bad place to live. Too quiet, though! And it would be nice if the river actually had water in it, but I guess I can't have everything. The ocean is just a few minutes' walk away, so I can manage.


Anonymous said...

What's the vine covered building on the right?

Hack said...

i reckon that's a church, but i can't say for certain. if you look closely you can see a car parked on that street. on my new camera i can zoom and almost read it's license plate! crazy stuff. how are you? email me!

BillG said...

Which one's your apartment, anyway? Is it visible in this shot?

Oh, and I can't believe you haven't explored the church yet! You and Gomiyage gave me so much grief when you heard that I hadn't explored the area around my place, and yet you haven't ventured out on a ramble to check out such a neat-looking structure?


Hack said...

One key difference being, of course, the fact that there was nothing else to do where you lived, whereas there is so much to do here that it is likely that I have actually overlooked many impressive edifices. My apartment can not be seen in the picture. And it is not an impressive edifice. But I have explored it.

ldmiller said...

Love the new format, Hack. Great pic as well. Dramt that you had opened up your own Japanese restaraunt in an empty warehouse on a high school campus here in the states. Not sure what ot make of it.

Hack said...

thanks for affirming me. no plans to open any restaurants anywhere, ever. but i will be sure to let you know if that changes. :)

Symian said...

ian was here.

THERE! i left a comment! ya big narci-sissy!!
naw i`m just kidding. about the name-calling, not the comment. i really did leave a commment. in fact you`re reading it right now. and now. and still now.


p.s. new format good. me like. yah.