Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Japanese Roadside Dining

Japanese Roadside Dining, originally uploaded by Hack Rambler.

On our way to a Rolling Stones concert, we stopped here. Just a freeway refueling center. Japanese roadside dining never looked so good! This is a view of Japan's largest lake, Biwako, from the small city of Ootsu (pronounced 'OH-tsu'). I have only been back from Taiwan for two days and am already discovering new things in Japan. This pleases me. At some point I should probably catch up on sleep, though.


Anonymous said...


It appears you are eating a Japanese lunch! What is happening to you and you're Western food ways; I always thought those at least would remain sacred. On the plus side, I discovered my gym gets the AZN channel and spent an hour on the elliptical watching JPop. I would have gone longer by my muscles failed me . . .

Hack said...

I have asked myself the same question. It gets worse. Recently, when going to the "konbini" to buy a refreshing beverage, I have found myself choosing not Coke but cold Japanese tea. With no sugar. On purpose. Though I still remember my first week in Japan when I mistook it for apple juice. Perhaps it has taken me this long to get over the trauma of that.

Hack said...

By the way, Gomiyage, what cocktail are you?

ldmiller said...

In case you are wondering I am a Mai Tai

"You aren't a big drinker, but you'll drink if the atmosphere is festive.
And when you're drunk, watch out! You're easily carried away."

Hack said...

This dog needs a cigarette!

BillG said...


Looks like I'm a martini--

"There's no other way to say it: you're a total lush.
You hold your liquor well, and you hold a lot of it!"

Ah, that would be funny if it were true.

Anyone up for microwaved cards?


Hack said...

Fire Engine Blues (to the tune of "Folsom Prison Blues", by Johhny Cash)

I hear that fire engine comin',
It's rollin' round the bend
And I ain't seen the sunshine since
Final Fantasy Ten
I'm here in Bill's apartment
And now the cards are gone
But that fire engine keeps rollin'
Good thing I slept alone

When I was just a baby
My mama told me son
Always be a good boy,
And don't drink too much rum
But I drank half of a bottle
In the wink of an eye
Didn't hear that fire engine comin'
Will Gold Bond make things dry?

(Guitar Solo)