Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Frankenstein Game

The Frankenstein Game, originally uploaded by Hack Rambler.

The Frankenstein Game, originally uploaded by Hack Rambler.

The Frankenstein Game, originally uploaded by Hack Rambler.

The Frankenstein Game, originally uploaded by Hack Rambler.

I am teaching four different college classes at the moment, at two different schools. Most of the students speak very little English and were pretty nervous on the first day. So I used this activity to see how bad their English really was and also to help them to relax and have a little fun. Each of the 40 or so students had to take a turn drawing a single body part. As you can see, none of them are art majors. It is a bit frightening, though, that about half of them are hoping to become physical therapists....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

strange...really strange! but it seems very interesting :)
hey,natsuko-chan will come back soon DaYo! im soooo excited!!!