Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Send Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

I haven't had much to say lately, I guess. Let's see... last night I went to an Italian restaurant and then to karaoke for a really long time. Nothing new there....

Oh, I met a really nice guy who claims to have recently been drugged by two Japanese women and sexually assaulted over the course of three days. This story came after I inquired about the red marks on his wrists which he said were from handcuffs. That in itself I found hard to swallow. Little did I know what tales awaited me. He said he woke up after days of unconsciousness, discovered a strong need to urinate, a lack of mobility, a lack of clothing, and a stranger on top of him. He was uncuffed to use the toilet and made his escape, still reeling and in a drug-induced and shock-affected haze. He, against his own gentlemanly nature, knocked the captor to the floor and fled the spinning room, carrying his clothes and falling down the stairs on the way. By the time he reached a train station, he still didn't know where he was. He found he still had his wallet but that it was missing the month's pay he had been carrying. He had to sneak on and off the trains to get home, but finally made it. While he was out he lost the new job for which he had just been hired due to continued and unexplained absence. Aside from the uncommon nature of the story itself, I had no reason not to believe him. So I kinda did and kinda do. He claimed to have other physical evidence to support his story, but I didn't ask to see it. Let this be a lesson to all of you unsuspecting and amorous men out there: beware of chemicals and strange women.

As for me, I am working hard and dreading the summer humidity which has already begun to rear its ugly head.

A point of interest to some, perhaps: the freak shoulder-injury from that fateful volleyball game of four years ago, the very same one which almost certainly led to ultimate dtd defeat, has continued to plague me until now and has recently become annoyingly painful. I reckon a trip to the doctor is in order. But not until after softball on Sunday.

And I am planning a day-trip to Hiroshima tomorrow. I will say hi to the monkey lady for the garbage man. Lord Graysan still lurks in the cyber-shadows, but I will nonetheless include him in the greeting howl. If there is a zoo in Hiroshima I hope I won't be near it. Wouldn't want to cause another primate riot.

Speaking of zoos, how about the renegade elephants in Seoul? Did people see this on the news? They headed straight for the kitchen. Here is video proof that elephants are literally crazy for kimchi.


ldmiller said...

Hey, great to have you back! I do remember that faithful Volleyball game that cost DTD the greek week championship. Concerning the drugged man in your story whom you met, there is no shame in acknowleging what happened to you, Tony. You were a victim and thus deserve your own book deal and primetime interview. By the way, some of your territorial property of which I have been a steward for the past few years is being passed on to JD: the 8-bit Nintendo, the games and the SEGA Nomad with its games.

Anonymous said...

The inventory and movement of Hack's possessions could fill a blog all on it's own.

Great to see you blogging again.

Hack said...

Perhaps it was all a dream.... I could have sworn that I traded my Sega Nomad and games for credit toward a Nintendo Game Cube in the summer of 2003. I can verify the existence of the Game Cube because it is here in my living room. As to the Nomad, I only hope the Beaver won't be too disappointed.

Hack said...

PS I love it that the infection that is my property continues to spread with no effort on my part. One more state! Woo hoo!

ldmiller said...

By the way, here is the website for visiting all 50 states (for us 48) in in two weeks. Billy is the only one to reserve his seat for our upcoming trip. What about you? You may need to scroll down a little bit once you open the page.


Anonymous said...

Speaking of states, maps and possessions, here's a link to a site you ought to check out:


It's supposed to allow you to make a map of what states you've visited, but I suggest using it to make a map of your possessions.

P.S. Good to have you back blogging again. I second Lucas's comments that you ought feel no shame and remind you that what seems mundane to you is most assuredly interesting to the rest of us. Thanks for the shout out and keep us posted with your esoterica!

Anonymous said...

note, implied in using that map is that you will then post it on your blog so that we can all see it - not that's its just for your private enjoyment.

ldmiller said...

I agree with Joel, map us your possessional territory. Hey Joel, I tried that website and it came up as an error? Ihope its just me because I want to see Tony's map.