Monday, April 09, 2007

Pictures as Penitence

In an attempt to attone somewhat for my lack of pictures and posts of late, here is a link to a plethora of photos of my neighborhood, taken by a friend of a friend when he visited recently.

These pictures are interesting because they show Japan from a visitor's perspective. I have lived here long enough that I am rarely surprised by things that would have once produced shock and/or uncontrollable laughter. I am pretty dang desensitized, I reckon.

Also, they will have sentimental value for Billy and especially Gomiyage.

For those of you who have never been to Japan, welcome to my world.

Bonus points if you can find the picture with me in it. There are also a few of my good friends Ian and Ulala, who recently became engaged to be married. I was there for the event with my video camera trained on them both the whole time, but later discovered that I hadn't actually been recording. Oops. But that's another story altogether. Oh my head.

Click on the title of this post to go to the pictures! And thanks to "DJ Bolivia" for all his hard work. His blog is pretty interesting too; you might want to check it out.


Anonymous said...

I'm not getting any love when I click the post header.

Hack said...

Thanks! Problem solved. Good to hear from you. I haven't been to your blog recently but am going there now....

Hack said...

PS Nice pictures. Where is the text weblog?

Anonymous said...

I decided that perhaps I had written too much, both about personal topics, and on topics that I hadn't thought through that well. So the text is gone.

But I still have the blog about the currency trading software, where I also write about my personal life, but in far less detail.

Anonymous said...

Finally, found you. Nice drums!

Anonymous said...

Ah, looks like I was a little behind in finding you at the drums.

It is fun to see the pictures, good of you to capitalize on someone else's, I mean make such effective use of available resources :-)

For some reason it made me chuckle to see the captions : "a rock" then "a monk" I don't really know why, but it did.