Friday, April 06, 2007

"Not now, Honey"

I snapped this shot on a weekday afternoon in an underground shopping area near a subway entrance. At first I was afraid to get too close to take a picture, but I eventually concluded that this couple was not only unconcerned, but most likely unconscious.

Now, who can think of the best caption for this post? I will arbitrarily choose the winner and honor him/her by using the caption as the title.


KI said...

Thinking, Hack -- will get back to you. This deserves genius.

Anonymous said...

I'll get the ball rolling with some lame ones...

"Not now honey..."

"Next time I'm choosing the love hotel"

"I don't remember my bed being so lumpy..."

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Another victim of the dreaded fanny-pack snake!

Anonymous said...

Not quite as lame as Kwin's, but how's "Stairway to Divan"?

Anonymous said...

Actually, I like this one better: "One small step for man, one giant heap of mankind"

Anonymous said...

"Honey, do you remember our bed being so lumpy... and breezy... and lots of people walking around...? meh." (shrugs shoulders)

Yep, that's better than my previous attempts.

Hack said...

Actually, Mark, I preferred your previous attempts. But as I said, I chose arbirtrarily. And you are the lucky winner. Congratulations on your exciting accomplishment. To everyone else, thank you for trying. Do it again next time!