Sunday, January 08, 2006

Happy Birthday Two Yous

Guess how old these two girls just became? Hint: They are not breaking any laws in this picture (which was taken in a bar). They actually came along to see the monkeys and the waterfall, too, though there was no age requirement for that. Anyway, thanks to these girls, I no longer think I have a babyface. Happy birthdays!


ldmiller said...

As soon as I saw this I thought of you:

Anonymous said...

that's exactly what I wrote on your blog lucas so you'd better watch that. I was just thinking Tony that it would have been cool if those two girls had actually been named Yu. Would have made for a nice homynynitic post.

ldmiller said...

no plagirism intended gomiyage, it just happened that the same thing manifested itself in both instances. Let the laughter live on...