Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Spelunking at Home

today i found a whole other room in my apartment. i had thought it was just an empty space to throw my clothes and luggage into, but as it turns out there is flooring, a desk, a closet, entertainment system, a phone, an exercise bike, shelves... even a bed! i am going to try sleeping in it tonight. this is very exciting. i have moved my computer to the desk. perhaps this new location will foster more frequent internet use....


Anonymous said...

An extra room at the same monthly rent, that is great!

Anonymous said...

If only the Turbo alarm clock was in that new room - then is would truly be bliss.

Hack said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hack said...

hey boys, thanks for commenting. actually my rent is quite low for what i have and where i live. this is a fact to which i only recently became privy, and it makes me feel better about life in general. but alas it is true, the turbo alarm clock did not make the journey and a reunion is highly unlikely. now i use two cell phones to wake up in the morning. hmm. i need breakfast.

KI said...

Hack, where are you? Billy's been putting you to shame...

ldmiller said...

Hey Just realized that today is your half birth-day. So happy half-birthday. In case this is dated by your time, it is still Feb 19 here in the U.S.

Hack said...

yeah, thanks for remembering. i celebrated with a trip to the dentist.