Thursday, August 03, 2006

"Boxers on the Beach" OR "Generation Gap" OR "Bait With No Fishing"

Boxers on the Beach, originally uploaded by Hack Rambler.

I have been to the beach two weekends in a row. It takes less than half an hour from my house. Three years of living in the same place, and I never went to the beach. You might say I am a slow learner. No, I am not trying to make up for lost time... I don't think. Anyway....

A lot of the Hack that you see in this photo has died. Literally. I am molting. Never believe a sunscreen that says it is waterproof.

I find it somewhat ironic that while some of these girls are wearing bikinis that look just like underwear, I actually am wearing only my underwear.Due to unforeseen circumstances, I found myself beachbound with no swim gear, save boxers from the Gap. Complete with a rather inconveniently located gap. Well, usually it is convenient but not on this particular day. I wore the floatie donut to help me be more discreet.

Speaking of discretion, I discovered, via my ever-improving Japanese interrogation techniques, that all the girls except the white chick are in high school. Ergo my first ever triple-titled post. Which do you prefer? (Which title, that is.) Cast your vote now!


ldmiller said...

I've got a better title: Dirty Old Man. Dirty, b/c you are wearing only boxers and the girls are probably only half your age. Which brings us to Old, less than 2 weeks away... and Man, well, that's assuming that you have not yet seen or used the guillotine.

BillG said...

Hmmm, I like Lucas' title--so appropo.

What about "Poking the Head through the floatie donut?" That has a certain ring to it . . .

Anonymous said...

I must say that after looking at the photo for the while, and its perhaps more disturbing sister photo of you with the green tube, I'm partial to "Cowboy Tube-top", which I think Billy will appreciate.