Thursday, June 08, 2006

At the risk of seeming a bit obsessed....

I paid more than 3000 yen for this, without hesitation. And I would do it again. It may be necessary, too, as the supply is dwindling fast.


Anonymous said...

That was a perfect marriage of Mountain Dew and chimichanga!
I think it tastes better from the bottle,too.

I've never seen it in a Lawson since that day.

baka-suka akete gomen ne. :p

ldmiller said...

Hack, I have found the answer to all of our meaningful theological questions at the following link:


ldmiller said...

Hey Hack,

Sorry about yesterday and Japan's collapse in the World Cup. Can't believe they blew it with less than 10 minutes to go. Did you watch? Is it big over there? We should talk sometime. Loved to hear how you are and such.

ldmiller said...

Where have you gone, Hack Rambler, a nation turns its lonely eyes to you... ooo, ooo, ooo.

Anonymous said...

So-da,so-da,doko he ittanoda,Hack?

Anonymous said...

Um, Tony? are you dead? write us and let us know that you're alive.

Anonymous said...

Amen, amen -- I check faithfully, Hack, for news, but nothing. It's almost enough to make me start *my* own blog, since my life has been attaining Hack-like levels of drama lately!!! So anyway, Hack, show your internet fans some love.