Friday, November 04, 2005

$30 Well Spent

I don't think I have ever had so many complete strangers ask to have their photo taken with me. This is an example, and the stranger was kind enough to e-mail it to me.

And thus we have the fifth installment in the afro series. Just as the Star Spangled Banner may have lost me the costume contest, my obsession with afro pictures may lose me my readership. There are more to come, I reckon, if Ayumi ever e-mails them to me! Oi! And speaking of losing things, I also lost my plastic crown. I think someone just plucked it off my head, perhaps drunkenly hoping it was the real thing. I hope s/he tried to smoke it. Instant karma, baby.


Hack said...

Gomiyage: I am sorry to say I have yet to experience a roop rine party. But I do not regret the alternative that I chose. I responded to your earlier comment in Japanese, but for some reason the comments section doesn't recognize the characters. How annoying. Komaru wa.

Will said...

Hehe. Instant karma.

Anonymous said...

Ah well, you really must try it sometime. I do like the fact however that now in your life you've owned two afros. I think most people never even make it to one.

BillG said...

As the possessor of at least one natural afro, I have to say . . . bravo, Tony. Have you tried teaching a class with the afro on, or would that just result in pandemonium?

Hack said...

Oh yes, I taught a class with the fro. There was a certain amount of pandemonium, but then that was intended. It was a Halloween party class, after all. The biggest problem was the wee ones jumping up and trying to pull it off my head. Fortunately I am too tall and too fast for them. They soon gave up in frustration and moved on to other things, like pinning the nose on the pumpkin.