Happy new year and stuff. I am cold. Brr. January 25th, and 25 days until my half-birthday. Unfortunately(?) 25 has nothing else to do with my age. I can't believe I am in my thirties. And I have spent most of my adult life in Asia. Wacky.
Anyway I thought I had better write something before January escapes. But I don't feel like writing anything. Duty-driven, I am. Enough to try and post once a month, at least.
Spent a week in Taiwan for Christmas, relaxed, ate good food, slept in big bed, enjoyed warm weather. Made it back to Japan for New Year's Eve, but really couldn't be bothered to do anything about it. Had a similarly disinterested friend, so rang in the new year with cocktails and video games at my place.
Speaking of my place, it has yet to recover from the pre- and post-Taiwan explosions. It was so clean, but then I spent two hours ransacking the place, vainly searching for an old cell phone. Then when I came back I just dumped everything on the floor. Much of it remains there to this day.
But I have an excuse besides being busy and living in a small apartment. Here goes: It is especially difficult to get motivated to clean when you know you are most likely moving in a month. Yep, still no confirmation, but the plan is to move into a bigger place, a little farther from work, but much more convenient otherwise. This apartment has been good to me, but I feel it is time for a change....
In other news, it looks like I will become much busier with work from April, as I am slated to teach English classes at a music conservatory in addition to my already full schedule. I am looking forward to it. My hours will increase dramatically, I think, but instead of working 6 days a week, I will be back to 5. So I reckon it is a good trade-off. Especially since I will be making a bit more money. Yay.
And the romance department is a secret soap opera. But at least the TV is working, even if I don't always like what's on.
OK, hope you enjoyed that fairly mundane update. There is of course much more to tell, but there is a time and a place for everything, and as the quote at the top of this blog suggests, this is certainly not the place for everything. To those who have been through hell recently and talked to me about it, you are in my thoughts and prayers. May the rest of this year bring only very very good things....