Tuesday, October 11, 2005


this is an audio post - click to play

Just experimenting with something new. I don't have a clue what I'm doing so I have to work by trial and error. Still attempting to get video onto this blog as well. No promises, people.


BillG said...

It was good, basic English, spoken in a very nice, slow American accent, without idioms . . . felt like I was back teaching again.

Up until the end, that is. "ta-ta?"

Still, I give the audio post 1 thumb up and one thumb kinda sideways--I'm looking forward to more of them.

And how the devil do you figure out how to do all these cool things? Is it an abundance of free time, or what?


Hack said...

Aha! There you are! Hurry up and get on the MSN Group I started!

The answer to your question is abundance of free time when all my friends are working. I work when they are free. Kinda lame but also helps me appreciate when schedules to match up. And keeps them from getting tired of me as soon, or vice-versa!

ldmiller said...

Yes, I would like to know how to do this so my blog can be cool like yours. I hope you figure out the video thing as well. What is this about the MSN thing?

Anonymous said...

I love the audio post - it reminds of young DJ Tony. Oh, and am I ever going to get the invite to that group? Still no emails means still uninformed me which means sadness.